Valdštejn Castle (German: Waldstein) is an early Gothic fortress near Turnov, in the Czech Republic
Valdštejn Castle (German: Waldstein) is an early Gothic fortress near Turnov, in the Czech Republic. It can be found in the cliff dwelling city of Hruboskalsko, in the Bohemian Paradise (Český ráj).
The city was built on three sandstone cliffs in the second half of the thirteenth century by Counts of the Waldstein family. After 1420 the castle was occupied by the Hussites, then later by the robber barons. In 1621 the abandoned castle was bought back by the Waldsteins, whose most illustrious member was Albrecht von Wallenstein. During the peak of the Baroque period, they built a pilgrimage church, dedicated to John of Nepomuk, in 1722 on the ruins of the castle.
Parking facility under Valdštejn to visit the castle and tour the entire rock town. The car park is owned by the Town of Turnov. The parking fees apply for the entire day.
Parking prices:
- motorcycles: 12 CZK
- passenger vehicles: 35 CZK
- buses: 120 CZK
The car park operates from April to September every day during the castle’s opening hours.
with a guide: 80 CZK
without a guide: 60 CZK
* Do not accept credit cards!
** The entrance fee may be exceptionally increased by 5 to 10 CZK when special events are being held.
with a guide: 50 CZK
without a guide: 40 CZK
* The reduced entrance fee: children from 6 to 15, students from 15 to 26 with a valid student’s card, holders of severely disabled person’s cards, senior citizens over 65
Family ticket:
with a guide: 220 CZK
without a guide: 170 CZK
Organised groups of children up to 6 years: 10 CZK/person
Surcharge for a tour outside standard opening hours: 40 CZK/person
Surcharge for a foreign language guide (only for pre-arranged groups): 40 CZK/person
** The family entrance fee applies for 2 adults and a maximum of 3 children up to 15. The family entrance fee does not apply to cultural events.
- Children up to 6 years of age accompanied by parents and attendants
- Holders of severely disabled person’s cards