Ryckevelde Castle, locally known as Kasteel Ryckevelde, lies in a large park east of the city of Bruges, in the province of West Flanders in the Flemish region in Belgium
Ryckevelde Castle, locally known as Kasteel Ryckevelde, lies in a large park east of the city of Bruges, in the province of West Flanders in the Flemish region in Belgium.
Ryckevelde Castle may look old but it really isn't. In fact it was built between 1913 and 1929 by Baron Raphael Gilles de Pélichy in the style of the Flemish Gothic Revival. His family inhabited the castle only until 1946.
In 1956 the castle became the headquarters of the Ryckevelde Europe House, a foundation set up by the Capuchin friar Karel Verley. The castle became a training center to educate and interest young people in Europe as a political entity. It kept this role until 2002.
At present Ryckevelde Castle is for rent as a location for parties and corporate events. So the castle can only be visited as a guest of those events. The domain in which it it situated is freely accessible.