castle ruin
Lipovce, Prešov county

The remnants of Lipovce Castle are situated north-west of the village of the same name on a longitudinal limestone rock called Zámčisko above the canyon of Lačnovský brook about 1.5 km west of the village.
Previous names
Lypouch, Lipowecz, Lipowce, Varhoska, Lipovský hrad, Szinyelipóc
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How to get there
10-15 min
To the Lipovce castle we get from the road No. 3421, which passes through the village Lipovce. We will leave the village along the mentioned road towards Lačnov, until we come to the cottage next to the road and there is a cross on the other side. We can park here. From there, along the meadow towards the apiary to the south, descending an unmarked path to the forest to the remains of the castle.

On the narrow rocky ridge there are small remains of the castle above the ground, but the entire castle supposedly occupied the area of approximately 60 x 40 meters and consisted of two parts - northern and southern. In the northern part, surrounded by a neck ditch, was the dominant stone tower, which was probably not round but polygonal with rounded edges. A wall was attached to the tower, which ran all the way to the southern structure. Under the tower, in a smaller courtyard, stood farm buildings. The southern part of the complex was the inner castle. There was a castle palace measuring 10 x 6 meters, which had a rounded northeast corner. The castle was also protected by wooden palisades on ramparts with a moat.Only fragments and remains of the walls have been preserved from the castle. The stone tower in the northern part of the castle is preserved to a height of about 1.5 floors, in the southern part of the castle is probably a palace building. Since 2012, the Rákociho cesta association has been involved in the partial reconstruction of the castle.

Legend to the ground plan:Source: PLAČEK M., BÓNA M., Encyklopédia slovenských hradov
Legend to the ground plan
  • Source: PLAČEK M.
  • BÓNA M.
  • Encyklopédia slovenských hradov

The history of the castle is not very well known. Archaeologically ascertainable is perhaps only the dating of the origin and extinction of the castle. A significant tool is the report from the document from 1331, where it is written that Šoltýs of the village of Šindliar can build its mill by the stream below the castle, which means that the castle already existed at that time.

In 1262, King Belo IV. by a deed he granted a donation to the Svinian estate to the nobleman Mers. Some historians state that even then the local Merse family built a castle near Lipovec. The builder could probably have been Dominic of the Merse family, Benedict's youngest son. However, this information is not confirmed, as we have the first information about the castle from 1311. However, it is certain that the Mersees were the owners of the castle, but they themselves never acted as castellans.

At the beginning of 1311, the king's attitude towards the palatine Omodej deteriorated. Omodej's son Ján captured Peter from the family of Merse. The castle is mentioned here for the first time in connection with the event when Ján also occupied the castle near Lipovec and took over the entire property of the Svinia estate.

More detailed archaeological research has not yet been carried out at Lipov Castle to confirm its existence in the 15th century and later. Therefore, research carried out so far shows that the castle could have disappeared by 1500.

History images
Myths and legends

There are no myths available.

Useful information

The ruin is freely accessible.

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