Buronzo Castle
castle, chateau
Provincia di Vercelli, Piemonte

The best way to discover Buronzo Castle: guided by competent and trained staff, who will lead you on an adventure between the halls, arcades, courtyards and gardens

Previous names
Buronzo Castle, Castello di Buronzo
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The best way to discover Buronzo Castle: guided by competent and trained staff, who will lead you on an adventure between the halls, arcades, courtyards and gardens. They will bring you to the heart of the unique consortium system, moving between different eras and styles, revealing the highlights of a region with amazing features. The castle is regularly open to the public with guided tours (see the events schedule to find out when the next dates are). Tours last about an hour and a half, and follow a route that winds from the restored portion up to the most evocative nooks of the village, so visitors can grasp the common thread that binds together the towers, palaces and fortified houses to create one whole.

€5 per person

For those interested in exploring specific issues or expanding on specific aspects, the castle staff is available to study ad hoc proposals, which, thanks to the collaboration with fully qualified professional tour guides, can also be expanded to embrace other monumental sites in our area.

For groups of over 20 people, it is always possible to visit, even outside the normal Sunday opening dates.


Useful information


5.00 EUR

0 - 14 anni: gratuito

5.00 EUR

- Mostre, rassegne e convegni

- La chiesa parrocchiale dedicata a S. Abbondio


- Regolarmente aperto

- Visite guidate

- Ingresso disabili

- Sistema di condizionamento

- Visitabile tutto l’anno su prenotazione

- Bookshop sul territorio